Wednesday, March 19, 2014

Demystifying Legal Services - Bringing it home.

Hello Friends and Colleagues!

So here at the Gibbs Law Office, we have been working hard to evolve as an office in order to adopt all of the characteristics that I've been writing to you about in recent months. This final lesson in the Demystification of Legal Services series concerns how to spot a law office that is willing to evolve with the trends toward valuing the customer and not just valuing the law firm...

Years ago, the status quo in legal services was characterized by dark mahogany desks and chandeliers in the lobby which was likely manned by a stern faced secretary. The emphasis, which was somewhat obvious, was that the the client was privileged to work with the distinguished firm.  The client was informed of how the firm operated and there were few if any options available to the client.  If the client could afford the retainer deposit, he was afforded the privilege of being "accepted" as a client. 

Fast forward 50 years.  No longer is legal information carefully preserved for those "in the know" behind those mahogany walls.  Legal tools and information is widely available with the click of a mouse.  The abundance of legal information is both a positive and negative phenomena because while the availability of information is a positive there is in increased likelihood of misinformation.  Anyhoo, progressive law firms have adapted to this new environment in order to meet the new expectations and demands of clients.   

For example, in our office we now recognize our clients as customers and our services as interwoven with customized legal products, and there are no mahogany desks. Our shift in emphasis hits home on a couple of levels which include a philosophy that we are privileged to serve our customers and committed to providing cutting edge legal products.  Our office "demystified" includes 4 areas of practice which are Wills, Trusts and Probate, LLCs and Corporations, Real Estate and Business Closings and Contract Review.  Our products are "Florida law firm products" and not "self help" and we will be specifically introducing "on line" Florida Wills, Trusts, Powers of Attorney and Medical Directives which may be initiated on our new and to be revealed website at reduced pricing.  All of our services will include a flat fee "value based" pricing system so there is no more mystery and no surprises. 

It is an exciting time in legal services and I consider it a privilege to provide you, my valued friends and colleagues, with a fresh perspective and alternative.  Stay tuned for exciting updates in the weeks to come.

Until next time...


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